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Year 2 Class Letter

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back!

We hope you had a brilliant Easter making lots of memories and enjoying lots of chocolate!

The outcomes from our termly tests at the end of last term, were brilliant, Well Done Year 2!

Our goal this term will be keep up our hard work and prepare ourselves for the SATS tests that we will be doing in June. We are focusing improving our reading comprehension, inference and retrieval of info from texts and two+ step problems in Maths!

Our topic for this term is: Habitats and The seaside

We have 2 very exciting trips coming up, the first to Martin Mere to explore habitats linked to our Science topic and the second to the seaside, to have a fun filled day comparing the differences of then and now for our History topic!

Our Class Assembly: Tuesday 21st  May 2:30pm

We will keep you updated on dates and payments

over the next few weeks!


This term we will study an adventure narrative –The Wind in the Willows. The children will be working on improving their writing by looking at punctuation and sentence structure. We will develop our joined handwriting skills and overall neatness of work. Weekly spellings will be sent home on Fridays and these will be the words Year 2 are expected to be able to spell for the SATS tests. Please spend time each week going over the words with your child.

Reading books are sent home on a Mon, Tues, Weds and Thurs. Please allow time to listen to your child read. Both Paper 1 and 2 are lengthy pieces of reading that require your child to read a substantial amount of text in order to access the marks so our reading fluency and comprehension is key!

This week we will be finishing our class novel from last half term The Enormous Crocodile and performing our class poem The Crocodile by Roahl Dahl on Friday in assembly. We will the move onto our Summer term class novel Esio Trot!


This term we will be focusing on Fractions, Time, Statistics, position and direction. The children should also be able to recall and use multiplication and division facts for 2, 5 and  10. Maths homework is given on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Monday.


This term our topic is Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! Most of our lessons will be adapted around this theme. In History we will be learning about the seaside now and then, Geography will be seaside localities, our daily guided reading sessions will be linked to seasides, beaches, the circus and holidays.  In DT we will be making hand puppets like Punch and Judy and in Art we will be using colour mixing and poster paint to create large and small scale drawings with some 3D parts. The most exciting part of our topic this term will be our trip to St Annes seaside where we will explore the pier, the beach and the shops comparing the seaside now to the seaside then and enjoy the traditional experiences of a seaside trip such as beach huts, ice creams and hopefully making sandcastles.

Key Stage One SATs

Please be aware that your child will sit their end of Key Stage One SATs tests in reading and maths in June 2024. Your child will be assessed as: working towards Year 2 expectations, working at Year 2 expectations or working at greater depth within Year 2. These teacher assessments are based not only on the tests in June, but on work completed in class during the school year. You will find out your child`s assessment results towards the end of the summer term. Reports will be sent home on Friday 5th July.

Homework Reminder

SPELLINGS – given out on Friday and return books the following Friday for their test – please try and remember these we have had LOTS of forgotten ones recently  

READING – books come home Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, please return daily even if the book has not been completed

ENGLISH – an English activity will be given out Friday to be returned the following Monday

MATHS – a Maths activity will be given out Friday to be returned the following Monday


Our PE sessions will be on a Tuesday and Friday so please ensure your child has their full named kit in school at all times. A pair of trainers is also helpful for when we are outside or if they wish to participate in organised sporting activities at lunchtime.

If you have any questions, worries or concerns please ring the office and leave a message, or make a note in your child’s reading diary. As always I will be available at home time for a chat at the gates if you need me!

Many thanks for your continued support.

We look forward to another busy term!


Miss Watson


Mrs Cartwright







Year 2 Class Letter

Spring Term 2024

Welcome back!


We hope you had a brilliant Christmas and New Year and a well earned rest! We have most definitely embraced the New Year with a spring in our step and had a fantastic first week back. Never seen us so keen and engaged!

Over the last term we made some super progress! Particularly in our Times tables and arithmetic tests.

Our goal this term will be keep up our super Maths scores and focus on embedding our results from our spelling tests into our work in English and our other subjects. We are focusing on SPAG – Spelling, punctuation and grammar this term as well as our handwriting!

We are striving to improve and impress.

Well done Year 2! A fantastic first week!  


Our topic for this term is: Explorers


This term we will look at narrative – stories by the same author (Simon Bartrum) as well as non-narrative – non-chronological reports.

The children will be working on improving their writing by looking at punctuation and sentence structure. We will develop our joined handwriting skills and overall neatness of work.

Weekly spellings will be sent home and these will be the words Year 2 are expected to be able to spell. Please spend time each week going over the words with your child.

Reading books are sent home on a Mon, Tues, Weds and Thurs. Please allow time to listen to your child read. In addition to individual reading books we will have a daily whole class Guided Reading lesson, when we will study together a range of texts.


We have started our new class novel that we read everyday at home time and we are absolutely loving it! This term is it The Twits by Roahl Dahl.


This term we will be focusing on Money, Multiplication & Division and Measurement. The children should also be able to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times. Maths homework is given on a Friday and should be returned to school by the following Monday.


This term our topic is Explorers. Most of our lessons will be adapted around this theme. In History we will be learning about Neil Armstrong, our daily guided reading sessions will be linked to explorers and the moon, our English topic will be linked through Simon Bartrum books – Man on the Moon and others. If you have any of these texts at home, please feel free to let your child bring them in to share with the class. We will make sure they are

 looked after. In DT we will be making moon buggys and fingers crossed we are looking into our trip for this term to

be based around explorers! Please could we ask that is you have any card board boxes or egg boxes your bring them in for us to help with our supplies for moon buggy junk modelling!


Please encourage your child to complete any homework tasks as neatly as possible and in pencil. Tasks set may require your support on occasions but it is expected that your child should be able to complete most of the work set independently. Your child will have regular homework so please ensure this is returned to school each week:


SPELLINGS – given out on Friday and return books the following Friday for their test – please try and remember these we have had LOTS of forgotten ones recently  

READING – books come home Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, please return daily even if the book has not been completed

ENGLISH – an English activity will be given out Friday to be returned the following Monday

MATHS – a Maths activity will be given out Friday to be returned the following Monday


Our PE sessions will vary each term so please ensure your child has their full named kit in school at all times. This term we will be doing PE on a Wednesday afternoon. A pair of trainers is also helpful for when we are outside or if they wish to participate in organised sporting activities at lunchtime.

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Cartwright will be working as a Teaching Assistant in our class Monday to Thursday.

If you have any questions, worries or concerns please ring the office and leave a message, or make a note in your child’s reading diary. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

As always I will be available at home time for a chat at the gates if you need me!

Many thanks for your continued support.

We look forward to another busy term!


Miss Watson


Mrs Cartwright


Have a look at our newsletters attached below to see photos of our class and what weve been up to.